Wednesday, December 1, 2010


In this chapter, we are looking beyond where Speak Up Huntsville is currently to explore our future roles and what we can learn from the journey of the Pritchard Committee in Kentucky.

Which of these Pritchard Committee recommendations are within the scope of Speak Up as you understand it in Madison County, AL (from page 58 of the study text)

ÒA focus on high achievement for all students
ÒA system of accountability to increase academic achievements
ÒAnti-nepotism policies for school boards and superintendents
ÒMeasures to ensure property would be taxed at its full market value for schools
ÒA state commissioner of education hired, not elected.
ÒLocal control given to school councils comprised of educators & parents
ÒPreschool for disadvantaged children
ÒFamily Resource/Youth Services Centers at high poverty schools to deal with some of the outside barriers to learning
ÒVastly increased and more equitable school funding
Did you see in the Huntsville Times today the report on the Huntsville City Schools retreat?  I was particularly impressed that our fellow leader at Speak Up Huntsville (Dr. Kreslyn Kelley)  was able to solidify this approach when she, as facilitator of this retreat, required all board members and the Superintendent to fill out personal accountability and commitment statements designed to turn their talk into action. 

How do you see that relating to what is intended from the efforts of Speak Up Huntsville (HSV City Schools) team?  Can similar things happen with the other teams (Madison City and Madison County)?

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